Be honest, I want to hear your opinions. The Lost Christmas Eve they had two years in a row. That made sense considering it was the first change the band had made in 13 years of touring for the winter tour (leaving aside BLN of course). It was epic, it looked great on stage, it was a very versatile story on stage as far as the music was concerned. And the story was emotional as heck. I have never come so close to crying watching a stage show as I did with TLCE. And that's a really hard thing to do.
The Christmas Attic they did for only one year and honestly, I would've gladly gone a second. Some consider it the "weakest" album but I really felt like the story was beautiful and even more beautifully told through the stage show. It encompassed the lives of several people through the letters and brought more characters into a humble story. The first half felt like it went on forever, which I really enjoyed. The longer the show the more bang for your buck.
NOW, onto the elephant in the room. I saw The Ghosts of Christmas Eve last year. Enjoyed how they brought the film to the stage (quite literally) and the song list which is a perfect combination of TSO songs and the stage was pretty awesome... but that's about it. Talk about weak. The story is so thin you could cut it with a spoon. No emotion, there's nothing overtly exciting about it and the first half of the concert felt like it was over even before it started. Heck the beginning narration is borrowed from The Christmas Attic! It really felt lame and this did feel like TSO was doing a tribute to themselves far before their time as a major band has gone out. Unfortunately I'm not able to go this year but the sad part is (and as big a TSO fan I am)... I don't feel like it's that big a loss.
We all know we were anxious for either CEAOS to come back or maybe some kind of other pleasant surprise as Paul O'Neill so graciously said they would offer for the 20th anniversary of the Orchestra. So... what is the deal here? Where is this so-called "demand" he speaks of to bring the weakest tour back for another go? I don't really see any demand for this one at all. Why in the world bring this one back? Yes I'm disappointed but I have to admit. I'll be furious if Ghosts is brought back a third time in a row. I think we'll all know what's really going on at that point.
(09-04-2016, 11:25 AM)sundance7490 Wrote: [ -> ]Be honest, I want to hear your opinions. The Lost Christmas Eve they had two years in a row. That made sense considering it was the first change the band had made in 13 years of touring for the winter tour (leaving aside BLN of course). It was epic, it looked great on stage, it was a very versatile story on stage as far as the music was concerned. And the story was emotional as heck. I have never come so close to crying watching a stage show as I did with TLCE. And that's a really hard thing to do.
The Christmas Attic they did for only one year and honestly, I would've gladly gone a second. Some consider it the "weakest" album but I really felt like the story was beautiful and even more beautifully told through the stage show. It encompassed the lives of several people through the letters and brought more characters into a humble story. The first half felt like it went on forever, which I really enjoyed. The longer the show the more bang for your buck.
NOW, onto the elephant in the room. I saw The Ghosts of Christmas Eve last year. Enjoyed how they brought the film to the stage (quite literally) and the song list which is a perfect combination of TSO songs and the stage was pretty awesome... but that's about it. Talk about weak. The story is so thin you could cut it with a spoon. No emotion, there's nothing overtly exciting about it and the first half of the concert felt like it was over even before it started. Heck the beginning narration is borrowed from The Christmas Attic! It really felt lame and this did feel like TSO was doing a tribute to themselves far before their time as a major band has gone out. Unfortunately I'm not able to go this year but the sad part is (and as big a TSO fan I am)... I don't feel like it's that big a loss.
We all know we were anxious for either CEAOS to come back or maybe some kind of other pleasant surprise as Paul O'Neill so graciously said they would offer for the 20th anniversary of the Orchestra. So... what is the deal here? Where is this so-called "demand" he speaks of to bring the weakest tour back for another go? I don't really see any demand for this one at all. Why in the world bring this one back? Yes I'm disappointed but I have to admit. I'll be furious if Ghosts is brought back a third time in a row. I think we'll all know what's really going on at that point.
Keep in mind when you read my post, that I rarely criticize the TSO powers that be. I chalk most things up to good business decisions and the bottom line, however... I don't agree with it. I will be blunt, the stage adaptation and the first half just didn't flow well AT ALL for me. Probably my 2nd to least favorite Winter Tour. Also compounding matters last year was the fact that I REALLY enjoyed the Christmas Attic shows and would have liked another year of that. Most people I talk to feel the same way and I think a lot of people were left scratching their heads and a bit disappointed. Many of us were expecting a the 20th anniversary show this year. Again though, it is what it is.
Another thing I don't get is the whole back by popular demand tag. I'm calling bullsh** on that!
That said, I will still go to my handful of both east and west shows and enjoy the them. Looking forward to our travels and seeing my TSO friends and family. Hope to see some of you along the way that I have never met before!
I sure don't get it. It's a mini-movie from years ago that they tried to fluff up the story for today's narrators. I didn't get it last year either - like, why do this? It just seems like they are out of ideas. Now - all of that being said, I did enjoy the songs that were played - really good setlist, both halves. Just felt the story was weak.
Paul is saying that there was demand to bring this back? "overwhelming response" I think I read elsewhere on this board? Please.
I also thought they were doing CEAOS this year. Not sure if I got this impression from guessing or if I heard this somewhere semi-official. I think I saw it in the comments of a TSO YouTube video - the guy who uploaded it was stating that CEAOS was coming back in 2016. Either way, I was hoping for it.
I will still go - just starting to lower my expectations. As to the original question - No, it does not make sense to me.
I thought maybe it was just me. I was sick, although didn't know what was wrong at the time, and thought maybe that was it. Had to miss the Meet and Greet due to sitting in the first aid station, so thought maybe that was part of how I felt. I also ended up hospitalized for five days, nearly died, and so on. Thought that I just wasn't in any shape to be into the show. Apparently I'm not the only one, so I have to agree that I would have rather seen any of three previous Christmas shows.
I halfway gave them a pass last year since there was all the buildup for Wacken. This year there is no excuse. If this is the "20th Anniversary Celebration" BFD. Why even bother? It's just straight up laziness on somebody's part.
I'm fine with it. It's once a year and it's over the top and I always feel I more than get my money's worth from whatever show they decide to present (not a huge fan of attic though).
For me, it's not just the show or the music, it's seeing the few co-show goers that I see every year, the anticipation, the excitement of walking down in to the bowl at The Giant Center and seeing that large inanimate object at the far end that will soon be blazing in light and fire and walls of sound. The few people I go with NEVER leave unsatisfiled.
it's the whole experience, not just what they decide to present. I'm not usually critical of TSO so you can take my comments with whatever grain of salt you wish. However, I would like Jen back and Alex and I think Mark could share duties with Roddy.
I try to think maybe they wanted another shot at translating the idea to the stage.
I totally understand why they did it last year and I thought it was pretty good, especially the way they made it look like you were in a theater. I think it would have made more sense in the long run to have done attic for 2 years and then have the "greatest hits" on the anniversary year. I did see an interview with Paul that suggested, anyway, that CEAOS was coming back for the anniversary. Having only seen that twice myself I was really unsure if I liked that although I know a lot more about the band now than I did then and I got to see both East and West in those 2 years. I am introducing a newbie this year and was really hoping it was going back to the original though. My hope is this year's surprises include more Savatage songs in 2nd half since Zak is around again but that pipe dream did not materialize last year so I am sure it won't again this year. They did do CEAOS for HOW MANY years though before changing it up??????
Now that I think about it... I don't really recall anyone saying "for the 20th anniversary of CEAOS we are going back to that show", or anything to that effect. I do recall a few of the powers that be, Paul included, saying they "would do something special". I think most of us took that as be going back to the CEAOS show, but "something special" really could mean anything.
Come on folks.....It is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY"....we all know it......Fans be dammed......sir paul is going to say and do what he damn well pleases.....he all ways has......and he all ways will.....what really pissed me of is he gave THE CHRISTMAS ATTIC a one and done..after running CE&OS in the ground....Most everyone was sick of it by the end...truth be told......I myself think TCA is by far the best cd and it really is the showcase of talent of the 3 Christmas type cds.....I do not care for "JUST" metal and more metal.......I prefer a mix of jazz, blues, rock, metal, r&b and so on......The Attic has a little of each......Just my 2 cents..which means ab-so-lute-ly........nothing.......