(04-06-2017, 12:27 PM)NancyL Wrote: [ -> ]Per the TSO Facebook page Paul O'Neill has passed away from a chronic illness.
WHY isn't this board FILLED with condolences tributes memories of Paul like the Facebook pages are? One can spend hours reading these and can bring tears as well as smiles. The Facebook pages were and are laughed at for being where the groupies are and for non-intelligent, or stimulating TSO conversation. Well I'll tell you Facebook is where the REAL FANS are now and has this so called intelligent stimulating Board of TSO "fans" lol beat by a long shot. Yes I am a groupie and proud to admit it. Yes I like intelligent stimulating TSO conversation too but I have not found it here up to now and certainly not now. There are people here on this Board who will not have Paul and TSO to kick around anymore.

(04-09-2017, 04:23 AM)TSOd Wrote: [ -> ] (04-06-2017, 12:27 PM)NancyL Wrote: [ -> ]Per the TSO Facebook page Paul O'Neill has passed away from a chronic illness.
WHY isn't this board FILLED with condolences tributes memories of Paul like the Facebook pages are? One can spend hours reading these and can bring tears as well as smiles. The Facebook pages were and are laughed at for being where the groupies are and for non-intelligent, or stimulating TSO conversation. Well I'll tell you Facebook is where the REAL FANS are now and has this so called intelligent stimulating Board of TSO "fans" lol beat by a long shot. Yes I am a groupie and proud to admit it. Yes I like intelligent stimulating TSO conversation too but I have not found it here up to now and certainly not now. There are people here on this Board who will not have Paul and TSO to kick around anymore.

I am not a regular here, but it is simple math why there aren't many tribute posts here. This board has only 234 members as opposed nearly 10,000 on the main Facebook page. Plus, people are attached to their smartphones and iPads this day and age with a very easy interface for Facebook. Of the 234 members here I bet less than 1% visit regularly. In fact, I can probably count on one hand how many times in the past year I have been on here, mainly because the board never took off. Most people came here because they wanted conversation and discussion.
Most didn't say they wanted "intelligent" conversation. They just didn't want to get on Facebook and see the same blurry camera photos over-and-over and listen to people talk about Dave Z's tight ass and rock hard abs. Not a dig on David as I'll be the first to admit he is a good looking dude AND a super nice guy! I mean that!
Anyways, you sound frustrated and are probably feeling some hurt. Which most of us are right now. However, I think you are pretty out of line with your post. It was not only aggressive but it was immature and poorly timed considering the current affairs regarding the band. Either way, I hope you find some peace within, and enjoy your weekend. Have a blessed day!
i was shocked to see Chloe Lowery's post on Facebook about the death of Paul. I waited for years to finally buy tickets and go to a show. I regretted it after the first show I saw. My wife and I have been going these last couple of years and managed to get front row last year in Orlando. I shared my Paul O'Neill story in my review. Here it is from the review :
"During the finale, Paul O'Neill was playing guitar in front of us and pointed at the young girl behind me so I leaned to the side and he threw her his glasses then went down the stage and tossed out a couple more pair. As the band was playing the final crescendo he handed his guitar to Andrew and pulled off his coat the pulled off the jacket he had on underneath and tossed it the the young girl behind me on the other side. They appeared to be sisters there with their Dad. After the end of the show Paul came out and started walking down the front of the stage like he was looking for someone. He came back my way and I asked him if he was looking for the girl he threw the jacket to. He was looking for the girl with the glasses. I pointed her out and he chased after her. One of the guys with him told us he had accidentally thrown her his prescription glasses. He gave both girls glasses, jackets, tour programs, and pulled off a few $100 bills. They were to keep some and give a couple away to someone they didn't know and would never see again. I thought about pointing out that they didn't know me and I could promise them they'd never see me again, but decided not ... Smile. We shook his hand and told him we appreciate and enjoyed the show. "
I consider it a blessing to have met the man and seen first hand his love for the fans of this art that he created for us.
(04-09-2017, 05:36 AM)Kissguy1973 Wrote: [ -> ] (04-09-2017, 04:23 AM)TSOd Wrote: [ -> ] (04-06-2017, 12:27 PM)NancyL Wrote: [ -> ]Per the TSO Facebook page Paul O'Neill has passed away from a chronic illness.
WHY isn't this board FILLED with condolences tributes memories of Paul like the Facebook pages are? One can spend hours reading these and can bring tears as well as smiles. The Facebook pages were and are laughed at for being where the groupies are and for non-intelligent, or stimulating TSO conversation. Well I'll tell you Facebook is where the REAL FANS are now and has this so called intelligent stimulating Board of TSO "fans" lol beat by a long shot. Yes I am a groupie and proud to admit it. Yes I like intelligent stimulating TSO conversation too but I have not found it here up to now and certainly not now. There are people here on this Board who will not have Paul and TSO to kick around anymore.

I am not a regular here, but it is simple math why there aren't many tribute posts here. This board has only 234 members as opposed nearly 10,000 on the main Facebook page. Plus, people are attached to their smartphones and iPads this day and age with a very easy interface for Facebook. Of the 234 members here I bet less than 1% visit regularly. In fact, I can probably count on one hand how many times in the past year I have been on here, mainly because the board never took off. Most people came here because they wanted conversation and discussion. Most didn't say they wanted "intelligent" conversation. They just didn't want to get on Facebook and see the same blurry camera photos over-and-over and listen to people talk about Dave Z's tight ass and rock hard abs. Not a dig on David as I'll be the first to admit he is a good looking dude AND a super nice guy! I mean that!
Anyways, you sound frustrated and are probably feeling some hurt. Which most of us are right now. However, I think you are pretty out of line with your post. It was not only aggressive but it was immature and poorly timed considering the current affairs regarding the band. Either way, I hope you find some peace within, and enjoy your weekend. Have a blessed day!
LOL! Not out of line one bit. Damn right it was aggressive and I intended it so. 234 people know about this board then there should be 234 comments. The band put up condolences and band members are putting up condolences and memories. I put up my sentiments on FB and here. I can sleep well and say I did my part. Poorly timed!, when asking where is some semblance of sorrow or thanks for a man who gave so much of his life to music and doing good? and why this Board even exists! The "fans" lol here are "ho hum" gee Paul died gonna go on my smartphone or ipad and play Candy Crush or Angry Birds maybe see what Kim Kardashian is up to. Then this board served and serves no purpose any longer and the admin should take it down since it never took off. The person who got me here , not going to say who, said this board was for intelligent conversation about TSO. lol There were plenty of comments about the last tour which ended only three months ago. Those people knew this Board then so why not now. The tour the very man in question put together! There were plenty of negative comments here from what I have seen. Those people knew this Board then but not now. lol I know people who were here and bailed because of that. I should have too but hoped for better and ignored the negative ninnies. Saw plenty of that on the old Message Boards. I'll find my peace cause I'm outta here. I have my peace because I lit my candle for Paul. Gonna go on Facebook and read more tributes and memories of Paul and smile or shed a tear along with blurry pictures. And oh yes check out the photos of the girls hubba hubba.
(04-09-2017, 04:23 AM)TSOd Wrote: [ -> ] (04-06-2017, 12:27 PM)NancyL Wrote: [ -> ]Per the TSO Facebook page Paul O'Neill has passed away from a chronic illness.
WHY isn't this board FILLED with condolences tributes memories of Paul like the Facebook pages are? One can spend hours reading these and can bring tears as well as smiles. The Facebook pages were and are laughed at for being where the groupies are and for non-intelligent, or stimulating TSO conversation. Well I'll tell you Facebook is where the REAL FANS are now and has this so called intelligent stimulating Board of TSO "fans" lol beat by a long shot. Yes I am a groupie and proud to admit it. Yes I like intelligent stimulating TSO conversation too but I have not found it here up to now and certainly not now. There are people here on this Board who will not have Paul and TSO to kick around anymore.

First of all, you have to understand that not everybody reacts to a loss the same way...and that's okay. Some people may not be ready to talk about it to anybody yet. When they are ready, they may choose to talk about it to friends and family instead of other fans that they, most likely, really don't know. There's no right or wrong way to grieve a loss. Also, to me this is a loss that I must work through but, to some people, it's somebody they were a fan of and they don't feel it as deeply as some of us do. That's okay too. Just because you are taking this in one way doesn't mean that everybody has to follow suit because that just isn't the case. You can respond if you'd like but I've said what I felt needed to be said and won't be responding again.
(04-12-2017, 11:45 AM)edmcardle Wrote: [ -> ]dateline=\1491890418 Wrote:It was my good fortune to encounter one of my heroes, Paul O’Neill, 3 different times over my 17 years of travelling to see TSO live. And let me tell you he IS INDEED “all that”! He walked the talk, reflecting his positive lyrics to a “T”. The numerous heartfelt posthumous tributes speaking of his kindness and selfless generosity I can attest to. At each meeting with Paul he gifted me with more than just his hopeful prose, which had become my life-guide over the past 30+ years.
*2001 Tampa/St. Pete in a small Florida theater I saw Paul standing in the lobby by himself taking it all in. I was starstruck, but gained the courage to offer thanks and tell him how much his words had meant to my survival. Overcome with emotion, I instinctively blurted out one of my favorite Savatage lines, “I am the way, I am the light, I am the dark inside the night…”
And Paul O’Neill took it from there, reciting the remaining lyrics to Believe at a very fast pace, “I hear your hopes, I feel your dreams, And in the dark I hear your screams. Don't turn away, Just take my hand, and when you make your final stand, I'll be right there I'll never leave, All I ask of you is Believe.“
Shock, awe & pure joy encompassed my spirit- Wow! Backstory - when I suddenly went blind in 1990 and was looking for inspiration the masterful “Streets” came upon and lifted my soul and now (with my vision restored) this creative mastermind was speaking these words directly to me. Believe I most certainly do!
I then shared the story of my 1500 mile cross-country trek to see the TSO hometown show and had already seen 5 shows over the 3-year touring period. Without a bit of hesitation, Paul walked over to the nearby merch stand, grabbed a hardcover Christmas Eve & Other Stories Book from the pile for sale at $50 each, opened the front cover and asked my name. He then wrote “To Ed- one more show and you’re in the band.” With astonishment, I reached for my wallet hoping I had the cash to pay for it. Then he said “It’s yours. See you at the next show…and THANK YOU.”
*2003 Palace of Auburn Hills in my homestate of Michigan, I was among the last to leave the venue because I wanted to soak everythingl up. I noticed Paul in the concourse with about 30 children surrounding him. The place was near empty & the autograph line gone, but what I observed was simply the best. Paul O’Neill was handing out $100 bills to each of the gathered throng saying “Have the best Christmas ever.” And they probably had no inkling who this kind gentleman was.
When a sobbing mother then told Paul that her husband was overseas serving in our military and she had brought their son to the show to brighten his holidays, Paul asked an associate for his checkbook and personally wrote a check to the woman. She broke down, crying hysterically, while her young son looked on. I was amazed beyond belief and had to say something to Paul- he had just gifted complete strangers thousands of dollars! When I told him that was the nicest gesture I had ever witnessed he handed me the TSO tour shirt he was holding. Talk about touching as many lives as humanly possible!
*2007 Palace of Auburn Hills near Detroit Rock City once again. I noticed Paul after the show and now felt comfortable enough to walk up and engage him. I detailed my kidney transplant in 2000 and how Savatage & TSO music has fueled my continued survival on life’s journey. He looked me in the eye, reached into his pocket and handed me a 1889 Silver Dollar, which I will always treasure.
Now 29 shows in 9 different cities & 3 different states, I’m not “in the band”, but TSO is definitely a constant focal point of my life. As a gift of life recipient with a second chance to live in life's bonus round, over the past 17 years I’ve strived to pay it forward everywhere and anywhere I possibly can. Encountering Paul I learned from his altruistic ways. What a sterling example of following the Golden Rule. “It's every gift that someone gives expecting nothing back. It's every kindness that we do - Each simple little act.”
Making the sacred & holy Christmas spirit last year-round by providing hope & inspiration to millions Paul O'Neill most certainly did.
“If you want to arrange it, this world you can change it if we could somehow make this Christmas thing last by helping a neighbor, or even a stranger. And to know who needs help, you need only just ask.”
“And so it's good that we remember just as soon as we've discovered that the things we do in life will always end up touching others.”
Thank you for sharing your wonderful life with us Paul.
Ed McArdle
Well, that did it. Now I'm crying... and kicking myself even harder for not taking the opportunity to meet him when I had the chance.
Thank you so much for sharing!
My $0.02 is, the best way to honor Paul is to find a charitable organization, and either donate a few dollars, or a few hours worth of your time. Depending on which way you choose, you can even do so in Paul's name.
Regardless of what anyone thought of Paul O'Neill's personnel or setlist choices, he went out of his way to be a philanthropist, and I hope the mindset that even little gestures of kindness can carry great weight, will live on amongst the people connected with TSO, even if TSO doesn't continue past Paul's passing.
I would love to hear some more stories of Paul's philanthropy.