I am looking into relocation to the southeast and was wondering if TSO hits the major metro areas.
I see they hit Charlotte, Greensboro and Greenville but nothing in TN, even Nashville. Nashville is a major live music hub. Have they ever come to those parts?
(05-29-2018, 03:29 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]I am looking into relocation to the southeast and was wondering if TSO hits the major metro areas.
I see they hit Charlotte, Greensboro and Greenville but nothing in TN, even Nashville. Nashville is a major live music hub. Have they ever come to those parts?
They have played in Nashville and Knoxville, but I think 2014 was the last time.
Yup, that's the last time I see in their previous tour itineraries too. I wonder why.
(05-30-2018, 11:37 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Yup, that's the last time I see in their previous tour itineraries too. I wonder why.
For some reason, ever since they started the "Ghosts" tour in 2015, TSO's schedule line-up has been severely shortened. Maybe danfromnj can exbound on this for us but the two used to be anywhere from a solid two months to two and a half months. Now it's only a month and a half and has been for three years. They dropped SO many places, including my beloved Las Cruces, New Mexico. Now I have to go to Phoenix if I want to see them.