12-27-2016, 10:18 AM
I agree with everything that was said. I also wasn't as excited as previous years for TSO. I saw them on December 4th. I think it was a combination of the fact that in the past few years they've come to Buffalo closer to Christmas and also the fact that they did Ghosts again. I personally don't care for the story line, it isn't as intricate as other story lines. I also was disappointed that I had a problem with pre-sale and I was hoping to hear CEAOS again. As usual, I was impressed with the show. Everyone was phenomenal. The stage had different lifts and the catwalk was kinda cool, they haven't done that in awhile. I don't care for the pyramid in the back, I think they should change that back to some type of lift. Since they did do the same story line, I wish they would have mixed up the vocalists a bit. They are a talented group and I would love to hear them on different songs! I also think that every vocalist should have at least 2 songs.