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How did you discover TSO?
Of course they had a couple songs on radio at Christmas time (Sarajevo, Wizards and Canon) and always heard they had a great show. My only real knowledge of them was that it was started by somebody that used to be in a heavy metal band but never really knew what band (at least I thought that's what I knew..I now know differently). I always wanted to check them out but never could find anyone else that was interested. In 2010 I won tickets on the radio. My wife wanted to go since she's into softer rock but I chose to take my 10 year old daughter instead. That proved to be a good choice..probably too much for the wife. I assumed at the time that Chris was the heavy metal guy that formed the group since he was the one giving the check presentation before the show started. Then a few minutes later the lights went out and this majestic classical song came on (Night Enchanted). I had no idea what it had to do with Christmas since I really couldn't make out the words very clearly but I was blown away just the same. Then came the narration and I wasn't quite sure what to think of that either. Seemed strange at first but I caught on quickly. All the pyro and lasers obviously made almost as much of an impression as the music. I was completely hooked. I was very fortunate to start my TSO career at this given time (big thanks to the local Cincinnati radio station). The next year I bought tickets and me and my daughter went again, she loved it also. This time there was some other dude making the check presentation just as we were walking in. When the lights went down I noticed an entirely different group up on the stage. I was unaware that they had two touring groups. So my first year I got to see the East. The second year I got to see the West. At that point I started buying all the cds they had and doing a little research. Previously I had only gotten the first because that's all I saw in the store. Who exactly was this "new" guy Al. Who was this heavy metal band Savatage ( I did actually remember their video for Mountain King on MTV). The following spring I bid on ebay for two tickets for a show at an Indiana casino near Chicago. Starting bid was $1 for 10th row seats. Bidding ended at a whopping $1.00. I ended up going by myself. In part those in attendance were lucky because they played the entire Beethoven album (as opposed to omitting a couple songs at other arenas). This was done because the casino wouldn't let them play long enough to get their normal set in. Unfortunately, the only song they did after BLN was Carmina. I did not get to see Chance or any other songs they usually did. Kayla wasn't even allowed in because she wasn't 21. So now that Zak has joined I've seen all the members of Savatage (that I care to see) other than Jon. And, btw, year 3 (I believe, maybe 4) of the Christmas shows Paul joined onstage in Cincy. I also have never sat back further than 10 rows for a show since that casino concert and my daughter has been with me every time except for that one too.

Messages In This Thread
How did you discover TSO? - by admin - 11-29-2017, 01:35 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by Lalbright - 11-29-2017, 06:17 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by wickfam - 11-29-2017, 07:41 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by sundance7490 - 11-29-2017, 03:41 PM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by Limelight - 12-09-2017, 08:17 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by Flyer - 12-09-2017, 09:11 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by Lalbright - 12-12-2017, 04:02 AM
RE: How did you discover TSO? - by Delilah Navy - 12-16-2017, 03:35 AM

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