With four Christmas shows circulating with TSO, there are times where I wonder if one of these days, TSO will revisit the album that really started it all for them....Savatage's Dead Winter Dead. It'll give the Savatage fans something to look forward to, and it'll give the people who are fans of TSO more exposure to the type of music that started it all for them.
For me personally as a TSO fan, this is what I would envision being the case if TSO decided to do a Christmas tour dedicated to DWD. Note that I have the east coast touring group in mind...
(Intro Songs)
(Intro similar to the 2011 intro with the speeches which morphs into the entire stage being illuminated red while church bells chime. The stage is decorated to resemble a war-torn town with a church in the center and damaged buildings to the side of the stage. Video screens are in the windows of the building facades. There are multiple elevators and lifts on the stage, a large lifting platform in the back of the arena, and above the audience is a monstrous rectangle shaped catwalk similar to the giant Y shaped catwalk on the 2011 tour that stretches the entire length of the arena)
1. A Night Enchanted
2. Winter Palace (Chris, Roddy, Joel, and Dustin comes down from lighting rig on four platforms.)
3. The Lost Christmas Eve
(Dead Winter Dead)
4. Overture
5. Sarajevo
6. This Is The Time
7. I Am (pyro cues during the final part)
8. Starlight
9. This Isn't What We Meant
10. Don't Matter Anyway
11.Mozart and Madness (lots of lasers througout)
12. Beethoven
13. A Last Illusion (lasers during Flight of the Bumblebee parts)
14. Dead Winter Dead
15. One Child
16. Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) (Roddy and Joel go out into the audience onto a rising platform in the back of the arena with four gigantic curtains with luminescent TSO logos covering the lifting mechanism. Lots of lasers and pyro.)
17. Not What You See
18. Christmas Canon Rock
(Second Half)
(Chris' stage raps. Introduction of singers)
19. Good King Joy
20. The Mountian (Two scissor lifts on the sides of the stage lift up Roddy and Chris, lasers and pyro throughout)
21. Hall of The Mountain King (first time performed live by TSO)
22. A Mad Russians Christmas
23. Wizards In Winter (lots of pyro and lasers)
24. Madness of Men (Large laser light show)
26. Wish Lizst
27. Shine On You Crazy Diamond intro (giant catwalk descends above the audience and two platforms extend out to the stage...Chris, Joel, Tony, Dustin, and Roddy all go on the catwalk..which segues into...)
28. Tracers (Entire band except for Jeff, Derek, the string ensemble and Mee Eun Kim are performing directly above the audience on the giant catwalk for the whole song. Througout the whole song, the catwalk rises up to the nosebleeds section and then down again twoards the end of the song. Lasers used througout.)
(Chris introduces the band members)
29. Back To A Reason Part II
30. Gutter Ballet
31. Requiem The Fifth
32. This Christmas Day/ Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) (During the end of This Christmas Day the catwalk starts to descend and the outtro to TCD abruptly segues into Sarajevo 12/24 as Chris and Dustin go out into the audience to the back lift while Joel, Roddy, and Tony go on the giant catwalk. Absolutey MASSIVE Pyro explosion after Sarajevo.)
I will admit, this is purely a fan concept and probably doesn't have a chance in hell of every coming to fruition, but a guy can dream, right?
For me personally as a TSO fan, this is what I would envision being the case if TSO decided to do a Christmas tour dedicated to DWD. Note that I have the east coast touring group in mind...
(Intro Songs)
(Intro similar to the 2011 intro with the speeches which morphs into the entire stage being illuminated red while church bells chime. The stage is decorated to resemble a war-torn town with a church in the center and damaged buildings to the side of the stage. Video screens are in the windows of the building facades. There are multiple elevators and lifts on the stage, a large lifting platform in the back of the arena, and above the audience is a monstrous rectangle shaped catwalk similar to the giant Y shaped catwalk on the 2011 tour that stretches the entire length of the arena)
1. A Night Enchanted
2. Winter Palace (Chris, Roddy, Joel, and Dustin comes down from lighting rig on four platforms.)
3. The Lost Christmas Eve
(Dead Winter Dead)
4. Overture
5. Sarajevo
6. This Is The Time
7. I Am (pyro cues during the final part)
8. Starlight
9. This Isn't What We Meant
10. Don't Matter Anyway
11.Mozart and Madness (lots of lasers througout)
12. Beethoven
13. A Last Illusion (lasers during Flight of the Bumblebee parts)
14. Dead Winter Dead
15. One Child
16. Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) (Roddy and Joel go out into the audience onto a rising platform in the back of the arena with four gigantic curtains with luminescent TSO logos covering the lifting mechanism. Lots of lasers and pyro.)
17. Not What You See
18. Christmas Canon Rock
(Second Half)
(Chris' stage raps. Introduction of singers)
19. Good King Joy
20. The Mountian (Two scissor lifts on the sides of the stage lift up Roddy and Chris, lasers and pyro throughout)
21. Hall of The Mountain King (first time performed live by TSO)
22. A Mad Russians Christmas
23. Wizards In Winter (lots of pyro and lasers)
24. Madness of Men (Large laser light show)
26. Wish Lizst
27. Shine On You Crazy Diamond intro (giant catwalk descends above the audience and two platforms extend out to the stage...Chris, Joel, Tony, Dustin, and Roddy all go on the catwalk..which segues into...)
28. Tracers (Entire band except for Jeff, Derek, the string ensemble and Mee Eun Kim are performing directly above the audience on the giant catwalk for the whole song. Througout the whole song, the catwalk rises up to the nosebleeds section and then down again twoards the end of the song. Lasers used througout.)
(Chris introduces the band members)
29. Back To A Reason Part II
30. Gutter Ballet
31. Requiem The Fifth
32. This Christmas Day/ Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) (During the end of This Christmas Day the catwalk starts to descend and the outtro to TCD abruptly segues into Sarajevo 12/24 as Chris and Dustin go out into the audience to the back lift while Joel, Roddy, and Tony go on the giant catwalk. Absolutey MASSIVE Pyro explosion after Sarajevo.)
I will admit, this is purely a fan concept and probably doesn't have a chance in hell of every coming to fruition, but a guy can dream, right?