Greetings, everyone... and welcome to the show!
What is this site?
It is a message board dedicated to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Savatage and the related family of music.
Why does it exist?
As a longtime fan, I find it very frustrating that both TSO and Savatage have poor websites and no active message boards. There used to be some active message boards but they have all closed for whatever reason.
Who runs this site?
This site is run by a fan who is not associated in any way with the band or any of its members. This will allow us to have an honest discussion of the bands, their music, their live shows and management. I used to go by the name "savatage1" on the Chris Caffery, Savatage and Jon Oliva forums. I was not an active poster.
What are the rules?
There are not many. Just treat each other with respect and keep the drama to a minimum. Let's make this the permanent home for TSO and Savatage discussion.